Bike Safety


I live in Cambridge where lots of people love to ride bikes. We notice that biking is common in all of our areas and even though people like to bike it can be dangerous when you don’t follow the protocols needed. As a group we decided to tackle this issue because we noticed that a lot of people were unaware or failed to follow certain safety rules.


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What is the issue?

  • The highest injury rate for biking accidents occur in ages 16-20 from a study in 2011
  • Biking accidents have gone down by 5000 in the last year to only 45,000.
  • However, the number of fatal accidents has increased by 12% at the same time

Why is it important?

Boston MA is one of the safest cities for bicyclists, but why is it that bikers are still involved accidents. Most of those fatal accidents may have been prevented if the bikers were meeting the safety requirements.



Photo Research

Boston MA is one of the safest cities for bicyclists, but why is it that bikers are still involved accidents. Most of those fatal accidents may have been prevented if the bikers were meeting the safety requirements.



  • Why we did interviews (why surveys weren’t enough)
  • When i talked to some bikers on the street they agreed that it can be dangerous but one person explained  how its only dangerous if you don’t follow the rules of the road


Key Insights

  • Casual bikers are not wearing helmets
  • Most casual bikers are teens
  • Bikers believe the onus on safety should lie on car drivers
  • Bike safety extends to more than the biker itself, but also the bike 
  • Uninjured bike riders have an unrealistic perspective on their own safety

Survey Results



Educate more teens and young adults on bike safety. Make them more aware of rules of the road and the consequences of not following those rules. We are focusing more on casual young bikers, but the information would be accessible to all bikers.


  • Glow dark paint for bike lanes 
  • Make drivers more aware of hitting cars 
  • Qr code -> website for casual biking locations with info on bike safety 
    • How bikers are hit by cars  
    • More info on routes and paths for specific destinations 
  • Quickly to add bike visible stickers on clothes 
  • Airbag on bike 
  • Car protective layer 
  • Car bubble machine to protect bikers
  • Blinkers on side mirrors to alert drivers of bike 
  • Bike alert button of dangerous roads/paths 
Neighborhood Design Project

Final Student Presentations