NOW Hunters Point
Studio O • envelop A+D • RHAA • urb_in • Sheppard Mullin
NOW Hunters Point has transformed a former industrial landscape into a dynamic activity center—a place of restoration and renewal in the Bayview Hunters Point community.
Photos by Anne Hamersky
listening_NOW_hunters point
NOW Hunters Point was created as part of a plan to revitalize the site of a former PG&E power plant in the Bayview Hunters Point neighborhood of San Francisco. The first element of this larger project, listening_NOW_hunters point, brought the national oral history non-profit StoryCorps to NOW Hunters Point for a series of recording days, as seen in this video, which captured the history of the people who make up the community, and started the conversation about what else the project could bring.
Video courtesy of envelop A+D
In working towards these changes, NOW Hunters Point embraces an interactive community engagement process to understand what is wanted and needed—and what will be loved—by the community. Input from event attendees and local partners serves as a guide for the design, programming, and future visioning of the site. From the very first event on at NOW Hunters Point, the National Day of Listening (November 2013), and through the 50+ activities held since, the site and the surrounding neighborhood have been a staging ground for activities working to engage people in a conversation about what this place can become.