Meet the Museum 2.0

Help us grow CoDesign Collaborative’s reach

In a time of remote meetings and virtual events how can we grow our community and engage new people? Pre-pandemic, Board and Council members would host Meet the Museum events, small gatherings to introduce people to the museum. We’d talk about design impact and the importance of accessible design education. Today, in a time where we can’t meet people in person, we are pivoting to introducing new folks to CoDesign Collaborative by gifting them a magazine and letting them explore all that CoDesign Collaborative has to offer in the comfort of their own homes. And we need your help.

Give the gift of design and help us grow CoDesign Collaborative’s reach by gifting 5 (or more) free magazines twice a year to folks in your network who you think will enjoy the CoDesign Collaborative and might want to get involved.

Summer Issue Deadline: June 30, 2021

How it Works

  • Think of 5+ people who you think might love the museum and maybe someday become a member
  • Input their name, email address, and mailing address in the google spreadsheet we’ve shared with you by November 30, 2020 for the Winter issue (this is a special Healthcare & CoDesign Collaborative Year-in-Review issue)
  • You send a quick email (template below) to your contacts letting them know the magazine is coming and giving them a link to start checking out the CoDesign Collaborative (bcc Sam & Liz so we know they’ve been sent)
  • Then we send them magazines!
  • Each contact will get an email from Sam, introducing himself and asking what your contacts think of the magazine and the museum overall


Ideas for Who to Include

  • People who work in design
  • People focused on one of our impact areas
  • People you think could be future partners
  • People who are design advocates


  1. Review your Google Spreadsheet — we will send everyone their own personalized version — check your email, if it’s not there, let us know.
  2. Submit 5+ people per quarter or submit all 20 for the year at once. The deadline for this quarter is June 30, 2021.
  3. Send an email to your Magazine giftees to let them know the Magazine is on its way, and bcc Sam & Brian (see template). That’s it!

Questions? Email Brian 


Hi <Name>,

I hope you are doing well. Keep an eye out for an issue of Design Museum Magazine coming in the mail. As a Board member, I get the perk of sharing it with a few people and I thought you might enjoy it. And in the meantime here’s a link to learn more about the museum: 

Let me know what you think!

– <Your Name>