An Interview with Chris Dixon, Footwear Designer, Timberland & Founder and Creative Director, Cnstnt:Dvlpmnt (Preview)

Interviewed by Jocelyn Rice, Director of Thought Leadership, CoDesign Collaborative
Jocelyn Rice: What is your special memory and your connection to footwear?
Chris Dixon: Special memory? Oh, man. I think if I had to pick one, it was winning my first competition, Future Sole. It was a Jordan Brand competition led by D’Wayne when he was still at Jordan Brand. I remember being on Facebook and Sa’rah Sabino, who was in high school at the time, had messaged me and said, “Hey, I think you won.” Because we were going against each other in the semi-finals. And they announced it on OSD, Obsessive Sneaker Disorder, that I actually made it to the final…
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