Black Lives Matter and Anti-Racism Resources

By Diana Navarrete-Rackauckas
Research by Mimi Shalf, Mary Martin, and Diana Navarrete-Rackauckas
At CoDesign Everywhere, we believe in the necessity of redesigning systems that have been created to preserve inequity. The past year has brought conversations about police brutality, racism, and other systemic injustices to the forefront of the human psyche in a way that has not broadly been seen in decades. As part of our ongoing efforts and commitment to anti-racism, we have compiled a list of resources, split into topics that we hope will serve our community in their journeys to self-awareness, education, and action. These resources and topics are only the first of many we hope to include over time. Have a resource you want to see on this list? Email with your suggestion.
We understand that compiling resources would be a paltry culmination of our action as a museum. With that in mind, we thought it best to be transparent about several of our diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Since last year, CoDesign Collaborative has had a DEI Committee and Think Tank as part of our board and community structure, that is made up of board, council, staff, and other community members. This group is in the process of creating our DEI guiding principles, statement, and plan of actions which we will release and publicly post as they are ready. The staff at CoDesign Collaborative is also committed to personal education on these topics, and they are supported in their learning through training funds. Information about our board, council, think tanks, and staff is public under our Teams page. We are in the process of conducting a survey to accurately take note of the demographic breakdown of our team. Once completed, these numbers will also be available on this page.
We also are resolute in our beliefs that design has historically been a White, male-dominated field. Our exhibition We Design is one way we responded to this truth — highlighting the voices of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), women, and gender non-conforming people in design. We Design is now part of the CoDesign Collaborative’s permanent collection. We have more career stories from individuals we featured in the traveling exhibition, and we’ll be adding them in. We’ll also continue to grow and evolve the individual stories and projects highlighted. Since our staff does not accurately reflect the demographics we were highlighting in this exhibition, we created a Content Advisory Committee, a group of representative designers, to ensure we captured the complexity of the problem and most fully celebrated the work of our featured designers. We have also been intentional in our choices when it comes to speakers, partners, and contributors — always striving to ensure our community reflects the world we live in.
Ultimately, we are nowhere near our end goals, and we are still working to create and design equity into all aspects of our organization, living up to having diversity as one of our impact areas (Diversity is often used as coded language for racial diversity. Diversity to CoDesign Collaborative means the true intersections of identities and experiences, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, geographic location, ability, spoken languages, and many more), and as a priority in our FY20-FY24 strategic plan. As always, we understand that design is a collaborative process and museums belong to their communities, so please reach out with questions or ideas on how we can continue to improve.
Black Feminism
Black LGBTQ+
Civic Innovation
Data Visualization
Discussions on Race + Culture
History and Timeline
Non-Black Allyship
Organizations to Follow
Police Brutality
Redesigning Systems
Systemic Racism
Vibrant Cities
White Privilege
Implicit Bias — how it effects us and how we push through | Melanie Funchess at TEDxFlour City
Melanie Funchess helps us recognize our underlying assumptions and work to understand them together.
How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them| Verña Myers for TEDxBeaconStreet
Verna Myers looks at biases and asks people to acknowledge and walk toward them.
MICROAGGRESSIONS IN THE CLASSROOM | Focused Media Arts Education (Youtube)
A video on what microaggressions are, as well as stories from people of color who experienced microaggressions in the classroom. This video includes resources for having conversations about microaggressions.
A growing collection of microaggressions that people have experienced and submitted to the site.
Can We Overcome Racial Bias? Author Says to Start By Acknowledging It | Ailsa Chang for NPR
Interview with Jennifer Eberhardt on her new book about racial bias, and on what it means to “overcome” and face bias.
Artificial Intelligence
Building Inclusive AI: Strategies for Training Against Racism
Counteracting bias when creating AI models.
Black Feminism
The urgency of intersectionality | Kimberlé Crenshaw for TEDWomen
Kimberly Crenshaw talks about the double exclusionary factor of both race and gender bias, using intersectionality to help describe it. This resource can also be found as a TED podcast.
What Is: Womanism | Kat Blaque
A history and explanation of womanism, a term coined by Alice Walker (author of The Color Purple) to describe Black feminism in a way that accounts for the compounding issues Black women face.
Feminism v. Womanism | The Root
A history and explanation of womanism, a term coined by Alice Walker (author of The Color Purple) to describe Black feminism in a way that accounts for the compounding issues Black women face.
Black Women Are Getting Killed by Police Too — So Why Aren’t More People Discussing It? | Derrick Clifton for Mic
A 2015 article that discusses the lack of attention on police killings of Black women in comparison to Black men.
Invisible No More: Police Violence Against Black Women and Women of Color | Andrea Ritchie, with forward by Angela Y. Davis
“Invisible No More is a timely examination of how Black women, Indigenous women, and women of color experience racial profiling, police brutality, and immigration enforcement. By placing the individual stories of Sandra Bland, Rekia Boyd, Dajerria Becton, Monica Jones, and Mya Hall in the broader context of the twin epidemics of police violence and mass incarceration, Andrea Ritchie documents the evolution of movements centered around women’s experiences of policing. Featuring a powerful forward by activist Angela Davis, Invisible No More is an essential exposé on police violence against WOC that demands a radical rethinking of our visions of safety–and the means we devote to achieving it.”
Bilphena’s online library | Bilphena Yawon
A collection of writing by Black women or for Black women.
Well-Read Black Girl: Finding Our Stories, Discovering Ourselves | Well-Read Black Girl
A book club (hosted at local bookstores) that highlights works by Black women, especially LGBT+ and disabled authors. Also a book of poems and essays about the experiences and identities of Black female writers and artists.
Black LGBTQ+
Black Trans Advocacy Coalition
An organization supporting members of the Black trans community, working to address the inequality and problems they face due to their race and identity.
The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson | Directed by David France hosted on Netflix
A documentary film on Black trans activist Marsha P. Johnson, who was found dead in the Hudson River. Her death was ruled a suicide, but many believe it to be murder.
For LGBTQ People Of Color, Discrimination Compounds | Deena Prichep for NPR
Radio segment on LGBTQ people of color and the lack of protection and racial justice they receive even within the LGBTQ community.
Kimberlé Crenshaw and Lady Phyll Talk Intersectionality, Solidarity, and Self-Care | Otamere Guoabadia (interviewer)
Kimberly Crenshaw and Lady Phyll discuss what intersectionality means, particularly within the LGBTQ community.
A research brief with results that show Black LGBTQ youth have a higher rate of depression and suicidality than non-Black LGBTQ youth, but are less likely to receive professional help.
Civic Innovation
Every Day Democracy | Everyday Democracy
An organization that is working to help build civic infrastructure to amplify public participation on all levels. Their site is home to many learning resources divided by issue, as well as ongoing community initiatives.
Black Futures Lab | Black Futures Lab
“The Black Futures Lab transforms Black communities into constituencies that change the way power operates—locally, statewide and nationally. The problems facing our communities are complex—the solutions require experimentation, innovation and political power. We deserve elected officials that represent us, policies that improve our lives, and politics that reflect our lives.”
How Atlanta Is Turning Ex-Cons Into Urban Farmers | Max Blau for Politico
An article on Abiodun Henderson’s Gangstas to Growers, a paid job program that helps Atlanta ex-convicts learn working skills through farming, with the goal of reducing the gap between rich and poor.
Innovation and the City | NYU Wagner and Center for an Urban Future
A report on a collection of cities that have implemented successful civic innovation plans, with feedback from experts on the ideas.
Data Visualization
Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago | Jeremy Ashkenas, Haeyoun Park, Adam Pearce for NY Times
A collection of data visualizations with explanations on racial representation in admissions to top colleges in the US
Data 4 Black Lives | Data 4 Black Lives
An organization focused on using data and technology to empower communities of color, and fight the discrimination that is prevalent in tech and technologies
Where Is the Rush to Visualize the Public Health Crisis of Racism? | Amanda Makulec
Article about the responsibility of people doing data visualization work to actively be anti-racist in their practices.
Discussions on Race + Culture
Let’s get to the root of racial injustice, Megan Ming Francis | TEDxRainier
TEDx Talk by Professor Megan Ming Francis about the root cause of race issues in the United States and how there isn’t an easy “fix-all” solution.
Black Stories Matter | TMI Project
An ongoing collection of performances, blogs, and black-led workshops of black people sharing their lived experiences. “Black Stories Matter provides Black-led true storytelling workshops where Black folks can write about, share, and reflect upon their experiences without having to justify, explain, or defend the truth of their lived experiences. “
ANGUISH AND ACTION | Obama Foundation
A collection of organizations and resources for helping fight racism, created by the Obama Foundation. Includes petitions and action items, as well as a focus on mental health resources for BIPOC.
Black Lives Matter | Black Lives Matter
The official website of the Black Lives Matter movement. Includes ways to support as well as important resources.
The MSW@USC Diversity Toolkit: A Guide to Discussing Identity, Power and Privilege | Jeremy Goldbach
A guide for having discussions about identity, power, and privilege. Includes activities to do with a group.
An NPR podcast that focuses on discussions of race, ethnicity, and culture in our communities.
About race//BLACK LIVES MATTER | Various artists, Spotify
A collection of episodes of different podcasts on race and the Black Lives Matter movement.
Is Black English a Dialect or a Language? | Slate
Podcast and transcript of a Slate interview about Ebonics and the complicated history of the language’s recognition, acceptance, and education.
Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? And Other Conversations about Race | Beverly Daniels Tatum
“The classic, bestselling book on the psychology of racism — now fully revised and updated. Walk into any racially mixed high school and you will see Black, White, and Latino youth clustered in their own groups. Is this self-segregation a problem to address or a coping strategy? Beverly Daniel Tatum, a renowned authority on the psychology of racism, argues that straight talk about our racial identities is essential if we are serious about enabling communication across racial and ethnic divides. These topics have only become more urgent as the national conversation about race is increasingly acrimonious. This fully revised edition is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of race in America.” – description
How to be an Antiracist | Ibram X. Kendi
“Ibram X. Kendi’s concept of antiracism reenergizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America–but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. Instead of working with the policies and system we have in place, Kendi asks us to think about what an antiracist society might look like, and how we can play an active role in building it.”
Racial Trauma in Film: How Viewers Can Address Re-traumatization | Counseling Staff, The Family Institute, Northwestern University
An article about racial re-traumatization from watching films and other forms of entertainment, offering guidance to those experiencing it and to counselors treating people who are.
Confronting Prejudice: How to Protect Yourself and Help Others | Pepperdine online Masters of Psychology
Article about what prejudice is, who it affects, how it plays a factor in discrimination, and how you can help stand up against the negative effects of it. This resource also includes statistics on discrimination and hate crimes.
How the School-to-Prison Pipeline Functions | The Root
“Suspensions, expulsions, and in-school policing are harming black students by taking them out of school and funneling them into prisons.” An educational video on how the school to prison pipeline works.
A Guide to Equity and Antiracism for Educators | Hedreich Nichols
A resource guide for teachers put together by a teacher looking to learn anti-racism and improve cultural understanding and competence in preparation for the classroom.
College Consensus Racial Equity Resources
135 Racial Equity Resources for education, professional and community development, community, and civil rights.
Ensuring Libraries Are Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive
Best practices for equity in libraries.
Confronting Systemic Racism & Inequity In Education – Teachers’ Lounge Podcast | WNIJ (Northern Public Radio) and Peter Medlin
Interview with Maurice McDavid, a Black teacher and administrator, about this topics of racial inequities in the education system, restorative justice and BLM protests.
Infusing Equity in K-12 Curriculum Design, In the Classroom & at Home | CoDesign Collaborative
“Every teacher is a curriculum designer, creating experiences for people to understand and learn. In this episode, we explore curriculum design with an important lens: equity.”
Oppression Still Persists in Schools. But Social Justice Teaching Can Help Break the Cycle | James M. Loy for Miami University
Loy talks about the cultural and systemic barriers built into schools that inhibit student success, particularly students of color, and the steps being taken to overcome them.
Unequal Opportunity: Race and Education | Linda Darling-Hammond
Darling-Hammond walks through the history of unequal opportunities for minority students in the US education system, and shows how important getting more effective teachers and curriculum for low-income and minority communities is for closing the gap.
Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain | Zaretta Hammond
A book on the impact and benefits of Culturally Responsive Teaching pedagogy, how to implement it, and the cognitive science behind it.
Race and racism in medicine | NYU Health Sciences Library
A curated list by the NYU Health Sciences Library of books, articles, and other resources on racism in healthcare.
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present | Harriet Washington
“The product of years of prodigious research into medical journals and experimental reports long undisturbed, Medical Apartheid reveals the hidden underbelly of scientific research and makes possible, for the first time, an understanding of the roots of the African American health deficit.” IndieBound description
Racism in Healthcare Isn’t Always Obvious | Joseph V. Sakran, Ebony Jade Hilton, Chethan Sathya
3 BIPOC medical professionals discuss the detrimental impact of racial bias on the part of healthcare providers towards their patients.
Black Lives Matter, Substance Abuse, and Addiction Recovery in the United States | Drug Rehab Services and
A short history on Black Lives Matter, the war on drugs, and the issues BIPOC face when seeking help for substance abuse. This resource includes recommendations for moving forward and statistics
History and Timeline
Racial/Ethnic Prejudice and Discrimination | Crash Course Sociology #35
An introduction to prejudice, racism, and theories about discrimination.
The 1619 Project | The New York Times
An ongoing project started in August 2019, the 400th year anniversary of the start of American slavery. “It aims to reframe the country’s history by placing the consequences of slavery and the contributions of Black Americans at the very center of our national narrative.”
The Most Important Milestones in Black History You Need to Know About | The Academic Influence
A timeline of milestones in American Black History.
1619: Podcast | The New York Times
A podcast hosted by Nikole Hannah-Jones (who started The 1619 Project) on how slavery has transformed America.
Seven days in Minneapolis: a timeline of what we know about the death of George Floyd and its aftermath | Greta Kaul for MinnPost
This Minneapolis newspaper article details George Floyd’s death and the timeline following. It has been updated as events continue to unfold.
Black History Month Library | Clifton McVea
A treasure trove of writings by Black authors, activists, and media, compiled for Black History Month.
Here’s What You Need to Know About Breonna Taylor’s Death | Rich Oppel for The New York Times
A summary of events surrounding Breonna Taylor’s death on March 13, 2020. Note: The people who participated in the killing of Breonna Taylor have not yet been apprehended, despite her being killed in early March.
A Timeline of Events That Led to the 2020 ‘Fed Up’-rising | Michael Harriot for The Root
A brief timeline of dates of events in Black history and oppression leading up to the protests after George Floyd’s death. Note: The officers who were a part of Floyd’s death have all been charged since this article was published.
A History of Race and Racism in America, in 24 Chapters | Ibrahim X. Kendi for The New York Times
A list of literature by or about African Americans with summaries, organized according to the period of history in which they were written.
Non-Black Allyship
Anti-racism Resources for all ages | Augusta Baker Chair, Nicole A. Cook
A collection of videos, articles, podcasts, social media posts, and guides for anti-racism that are kid- and family-friendly. Includes educator and parent resources on teaching anti-racism to children.
“Talking About Race” web portal | National Museum of African American History and Culture
Curated by NMAAHC, a portal with informational guidance for having conversations about race and how to deal with things such as bias, racism, and identity.
A set of accessible, crowd-sourced resources in multiple languages to help people have conversations about racial justice and anti-Blackness within communities. Many people use this resource to start conversations with members of their families who don’t speak English.
Commitment to Combat Racism | Jane Elliot
A spelled-out list of actions in a commitment to combat racism. Continue doing the ones you checked “yes” for, and start working on the ones you said “no” for.
Project READY | UNC
Free professional development modules for people interested in improving and growing services and education for Black and native youth through education on race, racism, and culture.
Curriculum for White Americans to Educate Themselves on Race and Racism- From Ferguson to Charleston | Citizenship and Social Justice
A curated list of resources, articles, and organizations for White people to educate themselves on race and racism independently, without burdening BIPOC.
Guide to Allyship | Guide to Allyship
A how-to guide for being an ally. Learning how to listen and identify bias through clear, straightforward lists and readings.
75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice | Corinne Shutack
A list of actions that White people can take for racial justice.
Organizations to Follow
People’s Breakfast Oakland | People’s Breakfast Oakland
A Black, grassroots organization supporting the people of Oakland, particularly providing help for the homeless population. Donations go to giving bail and legal support to arrested Black protesters in Oakland.
Reclaim the Block | Reclaim the Block
Minneapolis organization aimed at defunding the police and rerouting those funds to community organizations. Donations go toward community programs aimed at addressing problems that the police department and government have failed to help or solve.
Loveland Foundation | Loveland Foundation
Loveland Foundation provides funding for therapy for Black women and girls who may not otherwise have access.
When We All Vote | When We All Vote
A non-profit grassroots organization committed to increasing voter participation
Police Brutality
George Floyd, Minneapolis Protests, Ahmaud Arbery & Amy Cooper | The Daily Social Distancing Show with Trevor Noah
“Trevor shares his thoughts on the killing of George Floyd, the protests in Minneapolis, the dominos of racial injustice and police brutality, and how the contract between society and Black Americans has been broken time and time again.”
Police | Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
John Oliver covers how difficult it is to hold police accountable, and the history of racist policing in America.
Here’s How White People Can Support The Fight Against Police Brutality | Buzzfeed Buzzfeed’s list of resources, including readings, podcasts, movies, and organizations to donate to that all help fight police brutality.
Black Resistance Virtual Zine Library | Sherwood Forest Zine Library
A free library of zines and resources on police brutality, protests, and Black resistance.
George Floyd Resource Compilation | @abjectcriticism (twitter)
A list of resources on how to take action and about police brutality and racism, including organizations, petitions, email templates, and places to contact.
Cops See it Differently, Parts 1 and 2| NPR: This American Life
A 2015, 2-part episode released after Eric Garner and Mike Brown’s deaths. It looks at stories from people who trust and people who distrust the police.
A reading list to understand police brutality in America | Vox
A list of nonfiction books that can help you understand where we are right now, how we got here, and where we can go next.
Citizen Journalism and Political Protests | Syracuse University
An article about the rights of the press during protests, building relationships with law enforcement as a journalist, and what it means to be a citizen journalist
Social Protests | Constitutional Rights Foundation
A brief history of the major social protests of the Civil Rights Movement.
Right to Assemble and Petition | John Inazu, Burt Neuborne; National Constitution Center
Overview of our rights to Assemble and Petition and crucially, how they have been interpreted by laws and courts since their writing.
Know Your Rights: Protester’s Rights | American Civil Liberties Union
Overview of the rights of protestors, organizers, and those detained by police, and advice on how to respond to police force.
Redesigning Systems
Redesigners in Action Webinar Series | Creative Reaction Lab
Webinars on designing for equity and helping people participate in conversations surrounding equity, race, and how to engage.
The Systems that Protect the Police | The Daily
An episode of The Daily about the failures of the misconduct procedure system.
Is Systemic Change Possible? w/ Adrian Pei | The Diversity Gap
Adrian Pei is interviewed by The Diversity Gap on his experiences with race/ethnicity, whether a true systemic change is possible, and his book The Minority Experience: Navigating Emotional and Organizational Realities.
‘Systems of Inequity Have Been Designed by People, and They Can Be Redesigned.’ Interview with Caroline Hill | Center for Urban Innovation
An interview with Caroline Hill, founder of the DC Equity Lab and co-founder of the Equity Design Collaborative, about how equity and inclusion in the design process are necessary for addressing institutional issues.
Racism and inequity are products of design. They can be redesigned. | equityXdesign
An organization using design thinking as a power-shifter in conversations and actions toward equity. Discusses the need for not only individual mindset change but for institutional change.
Harambee House | Harambee House
Community-based organization that works to guide youth and adults in leading initiatives in environmental justice, civic engagement, and more.
As Rising Heat Bakes U.S. Cities, The Poor Often Feel It Most | Meg Anderson and Sean McMinn for NPR
NPR investigative special series with data visualizations on the impact of climate change in low-income areas vs. high-income areas, with a focus on how and why it disproportionately affects communities of color.
Climate Change is a Racial Justice Problem | Sarah Kaplan for the Washington Post
Sarah Kaplan argues that climate change is inexorably linked to racial justice, providing examples and sources.
Systemic Racism
Systemic Racism Explained |
A short video explaining how systematic racism works, showing a comparison between a Black child growing up and a White child growing up.
What is Systemic Racism? | Jay Smooth, Kate Lazo for Race Forward
An 8-part video series on the different parts of systemic racism and how it shows up in our lives and in society.
This List Of Books, Films And Podcasts About Racism Is A Start, Not A Panacea | Isabella
Rosario for CODE SW!TCH
A starter kit of resources on racism.
‘Model Minority’ Myth Again Used As A Racial Wedge Between Asians And Blacks | Kat Chow for NPR CODE SW!TCH
Kat Chow looks at how the monolithic “model minority” label has been used to suppress the struggles of minority groups as well as further anti-Black racism.
The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying | Adam Serwer for the Atlantic
A look at how the Black community is disproportionately affected by the coronavirus, in relation to the death of Black people by police and the racial contract in America.
Vibrant Cities
TED: What if gentrification was about healing communities instead of displacing them? | Liz Ogbu
Architect Liz Ogbu discusses gentrification of communities and how action by designers and policy makers can protect and preserve communities and their cultures.
History of Racist Planning in Portland | The City of Portland Oregon
A brief history, published by the City of Portland, of how “racist land use planning led to segregation and in equity for people of color.”
Weekend Edition Sunday: ‘The Wrong Complexion For Protection.’ How Race Shaped America’s Roadways And Cities | Ashish Valentine
Weekend Edition talks with professor Robert Bullard about how transportation and public spaces have been built at the expense of minorities, and the effects of it on those communities.
Podcast: Culture and Race Within Landscape Architecture (Interview with Ujijji Davis) | Transforming Cities hosted by Chris Arnold
“On this episode I’m speaking with Ujijji Davis, a Brooklyn born landscape architect and urban planner currently living in Detroit. There she focuses on landscape and urban design, master planning, and strategic implementation projects. Her current research regards the importance of arts & culture and race & vernacular landscapes in the urban realm.”
The Fabric of the City. Designing Parks & Open Spaces that are Flexible and Equitable | CoDesign Collaborative
“Many of us are putting on our masks and heading to public parks to get some sun and fresh air — on this episode; we explore how landscape architects create these outdoor spaces and experiences.”
Why we need to reframe the rules of transportation design | Diana Budds
An argument that transportation designers need to go beyond the conventional engineering and scientific methods and take equity, empathy, and ethics into account when doing planning cities or roadways.
How Urban Design Perpetuates Racial Inequality–And What We Can Do About It | Diana Budds
“Our cities weren’t created equal. But they don’t have to stay that way”
To Build Safe Streets, We Need To Address Racism In Urban Design | Hanna Love and Jennifer S. Vey
“Alongside investments in physical infrastructure, low-income neighborhoods require place-based investments that integrate economic and community development strategies with equity at their core.”
City planners need to talk about race. The lives of our residents depend on it. | Brittney Drakeford (Contributor), Ras Tafari Cannady II (Guest Contributor)
An article discussing racial and health equity in city planning. Lower income neighborhoods have to deal with higher levels of pollution, less access to fresh, healthy food, and less invested into their public resources. With equitible health and city planning that specifically targets the racist history of redlining and gerrymandering, designers can begin to address these issues.
Does Urban Planning Have a Race Problem? | Ryan Holeywell
This article discusses the issues with “empowering” BIPOC communities by moving them around and displacing cultures. Lisa Bates, Planning Professor at Portland State Univeristy, makes an empassioned address to urban planners to put more energy and resources into addressing the issues of race in the history and future of their field.
How to Track Your Absentee Ballot By State | Chandra Steele
A list of links to each state’s absentee ballot tracking system, so you can check to see if your ballot has been accepted
Ballotpedia | Ballotpedia
An informational website that helps you find out who and what is on your ballot for local, state, and federal elections. |
A website that provides voting information and pathways to make sure that you are registered and ready to vote in upcoming elections.
Vote 411 | Vote 411
Check your registration status, register to vote, or see what is on your ballot via Vote 411. Also provides personalized resources and help lines in different languages for filling out your ballot.
Rock the Vote | Rock the Vote
Get voting information by state, or check out the provided resources to educate yourself on the importance of voting.
White Privilege
Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man | Emmanual Acho
“Emmanuel Acho sits down to have an “uncomfortable conversation” with White America, in order to educate and inform on racism, system racism, social injustice, rioting & the hurt African Americans are feeling today.”
Anti-racism resources for White people | Sarah Sophie Flicker and Alyssa Klein
A collection of readings/books, videos, and podcasts on race and White privilege in America.
Seeing White (series) | Scene on Radio
A documentary podcast series that looks into the history of White supremacy and racism, and holds discussions on how the idea of being White came to be.
So You Want to Talk About Race | Iljeoma Oluo
A discussion of and a guide for having honest conversations about race and racism in America.
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack | Peggy McIntosh
Peggy McIntosh identifies what it means to have White privilege by reflecting on her own experiences as a White female. She discusses how White privilege is built into the social system and its contributing factors.
Who Gets to Be Afraid in America? | Ibrahim X. Kendi for The Atlantic
The self-defense laws used to acquit White people who have killed Black people do not apply to the Black community, and it’s a big problem. Kendi reflects on the fear and lack of protection the Black community receives from the law and puts it into perspective.
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race | Renni Edo-Lodge for The Guardian
Edo-Lodge outlines the struggles Black people have talking about race with “nice” White people and discusses structural and institutional racism in Britain as well as problems with equal opportunity.
White Fragility and the Rules of Engagement | Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Dr. Robin DiAngelo identifies the problematic mindset White people have when being criticized for their racism, and offers a new, more accepting mindset so that White people can properly engage and receive feedback from Black people.
Workplace Innovation
What so many get wrong about racism in the workplace | Fingerprint for Success
Succinct article gathering workplace racism statistics from Glassdoor, SHRM, and corporate reports, and listing key steps for fighting racism in the workplace, emphasizing action over intention alone.