Results for: Author: jenniferjackson

  • Vibrant Cities, Data VisualizationIssue 006

    Compact Urban Living

    Living in Boston is great, if you can afford it. A new design methodology for housing might hold the key to both affordability and livability.

  • Social ImpactIssue 005

    From Pod to Place

    Todd Ferry guided students in the process of building a neighborhood of homes for some of Portland's houseless community.

  • PlayIssue 001

    Where Design Meets Play

    “It’s a place that seems a bit wild and a little risky, a place where the unexpected can happen.”

  • DiversityIssue 015

    Never Standing Still

    Whether Adèle Santos is transforming the MIT School of Architecture and Planning into a world-renowned institution, designing clothes and coats, creating public housing, re-building cities that have fallen victim to natural disasters, gutting and re-imaging her warehouse home that was once the site of a children’s circus, starting an architecture school, or merely being the wonderfully stylish and magnanimous force of energy that she exudes, she is never standing still.

  • Workplace InnovationIssue 015

    Design Thinking for Rocket Scientists

    In the 1960s, the average age of a NASA employee was 27. As a brand new agency with a once-in-history mission to put a human on the moon and bring them back to Earth safely, the National Aeronautical and Space Administration was moving fast and loaded with young talent. This is where we get the term moon shot, meaning a plan to innovate quickly and achieve something big that was previously thought impossible.