What Makes Design “Good”

Episode 045 • 46 min

What determines what makes good design?


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In this episode, Sam chats with Karen Korellis Reuther, a former creative executive at corporations like Nike and Reebok and a 2021 Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative Fellow to learn how design informs brand identity and how she characterizes good design. We learn more about Karen’s career leading creative teams and thinking about design in new ways. Later on in the show, they are joined by Ralph Wiegmann, the CEO of iF International Forum Design, the organization behind the prestigious iF Design Awards, to discover how design is judged. Ralph shares his practices, criteria, and the way the design field has changed over the span of his career. Together, they chat about the iF judging process and why design matters.   


Weekly Dose of Good Design



Sam Aquillano

Sam Aquillano

CoDesign Collaborative


Karen Korellis Reuther

Karen Korellis Reuther

Harvard University

Guest Co-host

Ralph Wiegmann

Ralph Wiegmann

