Design Makes the World! CoDesign Collaborative’s 11th Anniversary Episode

Episode 018 • 47 min

Today is CoDesign Collaborative’s 11th birthday — so we have a special episode to celebrate.​


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We talk with two special guests on how design shapes the world around us, how we can all be designers, and all be better designers. Our guest co-host is George White, Chief Innovation Officer at Cantina. George gives his definition of design, why it’s important, and where the field is going. And we discuss some great design examples. Then we bring in Scott Berkun, best-selling author of the new book How Design Makes the World. Scott’s book perfectly aligns with our mission to make design accessible to everyone. We chat with him about the book, strategies for telling design stories, and much more. Plus Sam and George each share their weekly dose of good design.


Weekly Dose of Good Design


Sam Aquillano

Sam Aquillano

CoDesign Collaborative


Liz Pawlak

Liz Pawlak

CoDesign Collaborative


George White

George White


Guest Co-host

Scott Berkun

Scott Berkun