Listen for Understanding. Creative Problem Solving Requires Designers to Listen, Learn, and Get Out of the Way

Episode 016 • 47 min

At the CoDesign, we see design as a creative problem-solving process that can be applied not only to design buildings, products, websites, clothing, etc. but also used to solve the biggest social and environmental problems we have.


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What does it mean to be a creative problem solver? How do designers help solve issues like climate change, racial equity, and education? This week we talk to two epic creative problem solvers about how they think about and step up to help solve big, thorny problems. Our guest co-host, Pinar Guvenc, is a partner at Sour Studio, an international award-winning architecture, and design studio based in New York City and Istanbul. Pinar and her team infuse purposefulness into everything they do. Pinar talks about self-commissioning projects and reframing the creative brief. In her words, designers must educate clients in order to create the best designs. And we’re joined by Marquise Stillwell, Founder and Principal of OpenBox, a people-centered design firm focused on improving people’s lives in the communities their clients serve. Marquise gives insight into his authentic approach to listening for understanding and talks about how designers can step up when it comes to equity and anti-racism. Plus, we share our weekly dose of good design.


Weekly Dose of Good Design
  • Liz: Bluetooth hearing aids
  • Sam: Bear notes app
  • Pinar: Insignificant point gesture


Sam Aquillano

Sam Aquillano

CoDesign Collaborative


Liz Pawlak

Liz Pawlak

CoDesign Collaborative


Pinar Guvenc

Pinar Guvenc

Sour Studio

Guest Co-host

Marquise Stillwell

Marquise Stillwell

