Telemedicine & COVID-19, Technology, Design, and Robots

Episode 012 • 44 min

Since the dawn of telecommunications technology, people have been figuring out ways to use it in healthcare.


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Since the dawn of telecommunications technology, people have been figuring out ways to use it in healthcare. Of course, now that high-speed internet access is expanding and we can seamlessly video conference, the possibilities for connecting with healthcare remotely are really interesting. Plus, with COVID-19 still impacting so many and stressing our healthcare system, telemedicine could be how many of us receive care in the weeks, months, and years ahead. Why would you ever want to sit in a doctor’s office waiting room right now, when you could simply hop on a website, do a zoom call, or even text your doctor instead. Telehealth can take limited medical resources, namely doctors and specialists, and expand their reach and capacity — it can increase accessibility to medical advice and care to many people regardless of geographic proximity. We discuss design and telemedicine and its impact, with George White, Chief Innovation Officer at Cantina. We interview Ava Robotics CEO, Youssef Saleh, about how their robot, Ava, is being utilized in the fight against COVID-19. Plus, we have our weekly dose of good design.


Weekly Dose of Good Design


Sam Aquillano

Sam Aquillano

CoDesign Collaborative


Liz Pawlak

Liz Pawlak

CoDesign Collaborative


George White

George White


Guest Co-host

Youssef Saleh

Youssef Saleh