Infusing Equity in K-12 Curriculum Design, In the Classroom & at Home

Episode 009 • 48 min

Every teacher is a curriculum designer, creating experiences for people to understand and learn. In this episode, we explore curriculum design with an important lens: equity.


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In this episode, we explore curriculum design with an important lens: equity. Successful curriculum connects with kids of different backgrounds and learning styles, and contains content beyond a white-centric history and approach. We discuss with CoDesign Collaborative’s very own Director of Learning and Interpretation, Diana Navarrete-Rackauckas, and Dr. Aaliyah Samuel, Executive Vice President of Government Affairs and Partnerships at NWEA. The conversation also explores strategies for parents who were transformed into teachers almost overnight because of COVID-19. It’s all connected because our kids are growing up and learning in the context of a global pandemic — their learning experience has dramatically changed — and during a growing, global protest movement against police brutality against Black Americans. Our guests provide insights on how we can meet this unique moment for our kids and our communities. Plus we have our weekly dose of good design.


Weekly Dose of Good Design


Sam Aquillano

Sam Aquillano

CoDesign Collaborative


Liz Pawlak

Liz Pawlak

CoDesign Collaborative


Diana Navarrete-Rackauckas

Diana Navarrete-Rackauckas

CoDesign Collaborative

Guest Co-host

Aaliyah Samuel

Aaliyah Samuel

